E-Commerce Apparel & Footwear

This solution implements the omni-channel approach for apparel and footwear retailers by integrating online and offline channels for product marketing, pricing, and associated services.
Solution Advantages
  • Omni-channel Marketing Capabilities

    Advanced architectural design and big data based analysis of consumer behavior help retailers provide an integrated and seamless customer experience across all channels.

  • Service Neutrality

    HUAWEI CLOUD's well-defined service boundaries ensure that customer applications and data are not touched. Enterprises build lock-in free e-commerce platforms and have complete control over their data.

  • Reduced IT Investment

    On-demand capacity expansion and flexible scaling ensure that resources are used only when required, eliminating the need to procure and save resources for peak service periods. Efficient O&M reduces the requirement for IT personnel and resources.

  • End-to-End IT Capabilities

    Enterprises are provided with the complete range of IT capabilities, from source code and complete architectures, to utility software. The solution supports multi-system integration and the most popular operating systems.

Business Challenges
  • Excess Inventory

    Overstocking of products reduces the disposable capital available to intermediaries in the distribution chain.

  • Declining Retail Sales

    The online shopping advantages, including convenience, wider selection, and competitive pricing are changing consumer behavior, resulting in a sharp decline of in-store sales.

  • Weakening Brand Equity

    E-commerce enterprises adopt similar architectures, resulting in an undifferentiated consumer experience. Retailers find it difficult to promote their unique identity online, leading to a weak brand image.

  • Lack of In-Store Consumer Tracking, Difficulty in Repeat Sales

    Most retail stores lack the capability to track and analyze in-store consumer buying behavior, generating fewer repeat sales.

Typical Scenarios
  • Omni-Channel Management

  • Online Shopping

  • In-Store Shopping

  • Smart Retailing

  • Smooth Upgrade

Omni-Channel Management

Integrated online and offline management helps enterprises address single-channel management issues.

  1. Omni-Channel Customer Touchpoints

    Full range of consumer touchpoints, including web, mobile, applets, and micro malls.

  2. Omni-Channel Unified Membership Management

    Enterprises can access the data of in-store and online members (including members on third-party platforms) on the cloud, and provide an integrated consumer experience across all channels.

  3. Omni-Channel Big Data–powered Digital Marketing

    A one-stop marketing platform from which enterprises can launch big data based marketing campaigns across all channels.

  4. Omni-Channel Promotion Management

    Promotions can be refined to any level: product, order, store, or platform.

Online Shopping

Online shopping with multiple delivery modes

  1. Online Shopping and Home Delivery

    Consumers buy products online and the purchased products are delivered to consumer-specified locations, increasing convenience and saving time.

  2. Online Shopping and In-Store Pickup

    Consumers buy products online and pick them up at retail stores. The stores then have the opportunity to improve consumer relationships and generate repeat sales.

In-Store Shopping

Consumers buy products at physical stores; big data analysis is used to implement precision marketing.

  1. New Consumer Visits

    Conversion of new consumers into members

  2. Old Consumer Visits

    Precision marketing based on analysis of in-store consumer behavior

  3. Post-Purchase Marketing

    Activities performed after in-store purchases, including promotions and recommendations for new products, which help in consumer retention and repeat sales

Smart Retailing

Recommendations based on consumer preferences, browsing and buying behavior, and regional demographics

  1. Big Data Analysis

    Personalized product recommendations, optimal ad positioning, and refined search capabilities enable smart retailing.

  2. Personalized Online Stores

    Personalized online navigation, ads, and emails lead to strong consumer engagement and repeat sales.

Smooth Upgrade

Seamless platform upgrade and cloud service resources expansion can be performed according to business needs.

  1. Smooth Service Platform Upgrades

    The service platform has multiple versions and can be smoothly upgraded as service requirements grow.

  2. Flexible Resource Scaling, Dynamic Load Balancing

    Resources can be flexibly scaled according to service requirements, improving resource usage efficiency and reducing cost.

Business Framework

The solution enables enterprises to quickly build e-commerce systems for retailers and provide an integrated consumer experience across all channels. Product information, customer data, and order histories can be quickly transmitted through the distribution channel to generate repeat sales.

Solution Architectures


HUAWEI CLOUD allows retailers to quickly construct new retail systems so that more sales can be converted online and in the store with timely access to information. The integrated online and offline retail system enables a uniform consumer experience. Data about commodities, members, and orders are transmitted to stores and shop assistants.


HUAWEI CLOUD provides a full store of security products to ensure total security of e-commerce platforms.

  1. Service layer

    The service layer supports a large number of concurrent connections and handles service peaks by implementing load distribution based on service types. System stability can be ensured by logical deployment of e-commerce pages and services, and cluster-based deployment can be implemented to suit varying service loads. Flexible scaling capabilities help enterprises save costs.

  2. Data layer

    Data such as information of top selling products and recommendations for flash sales have extremely high concurrent-read requirements. Storing such data in DCS enables quick access and handles load spikes. The backend RDS provides reliable and secure data processing capabilities. OBS supports image storing and processing.

  3. Cloud O&M monitoring center

    The monitoring center performs real-time monitoring of the running status of services, provides a tracing mechanism, and sends notifications before events occur, helping administrators minimize service interruptions.

Recommended Services
  • Elastic Cloud Server
    Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) provides scalable, on-demand cloud servers for secure, flexible, and efficient application environments, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted services.
  • RDS for MySQL
    MySQL is one of the world's most popular open-source relational databases. It works with Linux, Apache, and PHP to establish a LAMP stack, thereby providing efficient web solutions.
  • Anti-DDoS
    Anti-DDoS is a traffic cleaning service that protects resources (such as ECSs and ELB instances) from network and application layer DDoS attacks. It notifies users of detected attacks instantly, improves bandwidth utilization effectively, and ensures the stable and reliable running of services.

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